Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Announce new director of the National Gallery – Chicago Tribune

March 18, 2015, 20:16 London, Mar 18 (Prensa Latina) The National Gallery of this capital today announced its new director, Gabriele Finaldi, current management of Conservation and Research of the Prado Museum in Madrid.

 Finaldi take office as of August 17, following the retirement of its highest authority, Nicholas Penny, announced the British cultural institution.

Speaking of his appointment, the expert of Italian art and Spanish said he felt honored to assume the direction of the National Gallery after Penny. It is a collection of high quality in a city known worldwide, he added.

As part of their projects, said that plans to work with the Board and the museum staff to strengthen the bond of the National Gallery with the public and consolidate its international position.

Also, develop a schedule of interesting exhibits and educational program and research activities.

Finaldi was curator at the London gallery 1992 2002 before moving to Spanish Prado

jf / RML.


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