Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Chilean Carla Guelfenbein won the Alfaguara –

The book is a thriller that allows the author to reflect on the lies and truth, talent and mediocrity, success and failure.

The winning novel of the same award last year was for the Colombian Jorge Franco had been presented under the title ‘To get to that point’ and with the pseudonym of Sofia Veloso.

The story spans three generations,” unknowingly share a poetic secret that is both an existential secret, “stated in the jury.

The Jury This prize of $ 175,000 (about 442 million pesos), has been chaired by Javier Cercas and composed by Héctor Abad Faciolince, Ernesto Franco, Bern González Harbour, Concha Quiros and Pilar Reyes (with voice but no vote).

‘Contigo en la distancia’ is “built with great narrative efficacy, around a memorable female character and power of genius,” said the jury.

“The author has managed to weave love and enigmas with a write to the complex and transparent. Three voices very well assembled illuminate dark areas of lies and truth, talent and mediocrity, success and failure, “the jury on this novel set in the city of Santiago de Chile, the same in the residing winner.

Of Ukrainian origin, Carla Guelfenbein was exiled with his family in England in 1976, three years after the military coup of Pinochet, and in this European country studied biology and Design.

Dedicated himself to literature for fifteen years, he is also author of the novels “The reverse of the soul ‘(2003),’ La mujer de mi vida ‘(2006 ), ‘The rest is silence’ (2009) and ‘Swim naked’ (2014).

In this edition of Alfaguara Award were presented 707 original, of which 320 come from Spain, Mexico 106, 102, Argentina, Colombia 77, US 41, 32 Peru 20 Chile and Uruguay 9.



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