Monday, March 23, 2015

Art directors disapprove censorship but support the … – euronews

Reuters, 22/03 14:25 CET

 The MACBA exhibition opens to the public initially canceled The MACBA exhibition opens to the public initially canceled” The beast and the sovereign, “including the work” Haute 04 Transport couture “Transporting” Austrian artist Ines Doujak, alluding to King Juan Carlos, after three days of controversy and accusations of censorship by the cultural world and politics. EFE

Barcelona, ​​22 Mar ( EFE ) .- The Association of Directors of Contemporary Art in Spain ( ADACE ) has expressed its disapproval to censorship, but has supported the director of MACBA , Bartomeu Marí, having rectified the initial cancellation of the exhibition “The beast and the sovereign” .

In a statement issued by ADACE , directors of contemporary art praise path Bartomeu Marí, partner at ADACE , “always committed to the defense of freedom in museums and art centers, not only through actions as president of CIMAM has promoted in recent years, but especially as evident from the very activities and exhibitions in the MACBA , from which this exhibition is an example. “

According to ADACE , “the crisis of these days reveals the enormous difficulties that managers of contemporary art centers face when developing projects that are not conditioned by the culture industries or directly by economic or partisan interests” .

They point out that it is essential to “vindicate the museum as a public place for reflection and debate, which belongs to all, who can critically address the reality from any point of view.”

The controversy these days gives a new argument to “the urgent need to equip our real art centers and government formulas that put them at the service of society autonomy.”

MACBA yesterday opened to the public the exhibition includes the work “Not dressed for conquering” Austrian Ines Doujak, which appear in a sex scene a figure that alludes to Juan Carlos I After three days of controversy over the announced withdrawal of the sample by the museum director, Bartomeu Marí, who on Friday reconsidered its decision.

euronews published from Reuters as, but not involved in the published articles.

Copyright 2015 EFE.


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