March 26, 2015, 14:57 Madrid, Mar 26 (Prensa Latina) The cave of Altamira, which houses prehistoric paintings and engravings of significant value, receive again from the Experimental you visit next month, according to today’s decision by the trustees.
The visits will resume after Easter and be limited to five people per week and 37 minutes each time, under the supervision of experimental guides, as was done for 12 months from February 2014.
The call Sistine Chapel Art cave is located in the Spanish town of Santillana del Mar, in the autonomous community of Cantabria, in the north.
The Board decided Altamira from the recommendations of a committee to monitor the Preventive Conservation Plan cave who studied the possible effects of experimental visits.
However, Spanish scientists at the Complutense University warned of the danger of open again to the public the cave of Altamira, considering that affect a fragile legacy of importance for understanding Palaeolithic society
The assessment was included in a letter to the Unesco signed by 17 teachers, with support from the Institute of History of the Higher Council for Scientific Research composed about 70 members.
In his letter to the Unesco scientists say that scientific evidence or visitor numbers support the reopening of the cave and attribute the project to political pressure and electoral positions of the Ministry of Culture of Spain.
The Altamira cave was closed to the public in 2002, but the program of experimental visits then approved allowed into a year of 250 people chosen by lot.
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