Thursday, March 26, 2015

Carla Guelfenbein won the 2015 Alfaguara Prize – LaRepú

Consensus. Chilean writer Carla Guelfenbein achieved the award with the unanimous opinion of the jury.


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Chilean writer. His winning novel you in the distance, said 700 jobs. The jury said that “has managed to weave love and enigmas with a write to the complex and transparent again.” It is inspired by Clarice Lispector.

Madrid. EFE.

The life of the Brazilian writer Clarice Lispector was the “seed” that was born the novel you in the distance, with the Chilean author Carla Guelfenbein unanimously won the Prize Alfaguara. A story about “talent, the lie and the impossibility of affections”.

And an intimate novel about “envy among writers, such as common human feeling and nobody wants to talk. Has been a challenge to do it, “said the winner in a telephone interview with Efe, shortly after the jury will communicate the news of the award.

Winning this award is” like a dream “to Guelfenbein. “It’s an important step for a writer” by diffusion which then has the book in all Spanish-speaking countries.

They heard the news when he called the foreman, Javier Cercas, at six morning, Chilean time, and she was asleep. It was his daughter who got the call and, subject, immediately aroused.

Guelfenbein spoke to all members of the jury and was “very happy” when told that the decision was taken by unanimously. And that among the 707 manuscripts submitted there were other “very good” novels. The competition was “very hard”, he commented.

Javier Cercas read to the jury, which highlights that, in winning play, “the author has managed to weave love and enigmas with a script both complex and transparent. Three voices very well assembled illuminate dark areas of lies and truth, talent and mediocrity, success and failure. “

The selected novel talks” about the genius, creativity and poetry “. Structurally, Contigo en la distancia is a “very complex” work, with several stories that intertwine, Guelfenbein told Efe.

It occurs in two stages, in the fifties and in modern times, and ” There are four characters who are united by Vera Sigall, a writer of worship, “for which inspired” somehow in Brazilian Clarice Lispector. “

Sigall is the name of the great-grandmother Guelfenbein, from Ukraine, as Lispector, an author which Alfaguara Prize winner has always admired. “There are many aspects of your life with me I can feel identified,” he said.

In this novel of police dyes, the reader will know from the start that Vera Sigall had an accident and is in a coma. The whole plot revolves around the life of this writer, rebuilt by three additional characters “are introduced in turn new stories.”

“It’s a love story, but also on the talent, lie, the impossibility of affections and the distance between human beings, “adds the author.

In Contigo en la distancia reflects on literature and creation, but” is not a hermetic work “. Also has “a police bias” because from the beginning of the book an investigation to find out why Vera Sigall opens in a coma.

The feminine presence of Sigall pervades the novel, not least because this woman “commits the mortal sin of being smarter” than the rest of the characters, Abad said Faciolince, juror.


the author. Born in Santiago de Chile, 1959 went into exile in England after the military coup of Pinochet. He studied biology. He has published; The reverse of the soul, La mujer de mi vida, The rest is silence and swim naked.

the prize. It is endowed with $ 170,000. The foreman was Javier Cercas.


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