ABC of Spain 2 / Her extraordinary voice and talent as a composer and arranger destacadísimo have provided you with a place in the history of European pop music. Ambassador to the world of French music, Charles Aznavour is a reference for several generations, but he is more interested in today and yesterday morning: “What I had to learn from the past, I already did in his time He points -; this does teach me I feel like every day is an opportunity for further growth. “.
These are the words of a man of 90 years, located in Madrid in a marathon session to promote his new album, “Encores”, written, arranged and naturally played by himself, which will be released next May 5 and will be presented live on a tour that will pass through Madrid and San Sebastián 7 and 9 of the same month.
What you supposed to be back doing interviews to promote his new album?
Well, in fact I’m already working on the next one, I hope it is published the year next. Still not finished, but I have everything ready, all the pieces in place … and all written songs. I have no problem with work. And the promotion, of course, is part of that work. . Sometimes it’s a little tired for my throat, sure, but no problem
Addict -¿Hasta work how you satisfy fact take each new album
? – For a writer, the day he leaves his new book is like for a child on Christmas Day. Loves teaching toys that have given him … That’s how I feel.
‘Where gets the energy to keep such activity?
“It would be easy to make mediocre albums, but I want to give me as much as possible ” There’s no secret, I just love working. I love composing You know what is so great about this? You do at home, in your office, without bosses or certain times, but I am very disciplined … – But the quiet of his office must then go to promotional trips, like this …
-Also I love to travel, and there are plenty of sites that I know of. Last year I had the opportunity to travel to China twice and it was great. I met many interesting people. This is another great opportunity for my career.
‘After such a long career, recorded many albums, it might seem easy to make one more. When do you know you have a good enough material to record a new job?
‘It’s not easy at all, and it’s not because I’m very hard on myself. I am very hard to please. I always need that everything is exactly in place, every note, every word … it’s like a crossword puzzle; is only complete when each letter is relevant is his little picture. It would be easy to make mediocre albums. You know: “Well, not bad, it sounds nice.” For me nothing is easy, because I always challenge me to give as much as possible. That’s tough, but it’s much more satisfying. In any case, it’s my way of being. Could not act otherwise.
How has that changed since its inception?
Well, has totally changed, because when I started I knew absolutely nothing, of course. Do not know what that was songwriting, and had no choice to learn anywhere; there were no schools for that. I had to invent how to do it, and I remember that I did using the dictionary, an old “Larousse” I had, and another very important, a thesaurus. That was a real find! But, of course, ideas, stories, do not come in the dictionary.
‘Where they came from, then those stories?
Not of my own life, of course . I never had any interest in talking to me and my wife. What has inspired me has always been the press, television, things that happen to people
Information ABC of Spain 2 <-.! augure_noticia_fin- ->
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