The “ The Beast and the Sovereign ” shows, canceled Wednesday by decision of the director of the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA), Bartomeu Marí , because of the presence of the piece “Haute Couture 04 Transport”, in which the Austrian artist Ines Doujak offers an “inappropriate” in the words of marine position in reference to the previous Spanish monarch Juan Carlos I , opens the public this Saturday.
The announcement was made by the manager himself through an open letter in response to the “unanimous voices of professional and industry associations, institutions and individuals demanding the opening”. In addition, he put his resignation to the MACBA Consortium.
The press Marí was broadcast by Spanish media, which highlighted the attention put in charge of the premises to the cultural community and the general public not only the Iberian country but around the world, he learned through the news went viral in an instant: “If I initially thought that the non-inclusion of the work of Ines Doujak or non opening of the exhibition protect the art museum as a cultural institution dedicated to public service, the consequences have been contrary to the desired “.
The opinions, mostly described the decision to cancel suddenly taken by Marí after contact with the workpiece last Monday, “ censorship “. Before the siege media and through social networks, the manager denied that his gesture was in that sense. “I saw it as a disagreement with the presence of a particular work and the effects of possible readings”.
The Consortium of Catalan enclosure, built by the city of Barcelona, Catalonia, the Ministry of Culture and the MACBA Foundation, did not stay idly and convened an emergency meeting to discuss the case.
A disapproval of the general public were joined by the voices of the workers of the museum, who, according to the website World , issued a statement deploring the situation of the enclosure and blaming the “crisis “the director (Bartomeu Marí), the manager (Joan Abellà), the head (Valentín Roma) curator and head of Public Programs (Paul B. Preciado).
And, for the staff, this controversy is nothing more than “a symptom of a situation that drags MACBA for six years and has left the institution in a position of weakness and uncertainty.”
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