Wednesday, March 18, 2015

María Dueñas: “I have written ‘Temperance’ without thinking about adaptation … – Terra Peru

The Jerez (southern Spain) nineteenth and captivated the world winemaker María Dueñas two years ago to the point of becoming protagonists of his third novel, “Temperance”, who has written without thinking about its possible ” TV adaptation “, as with its successful” The time between seams “.

Stepping on the same ground that Mauro Larrea, the protagonist of this story, Dueñas presented today in the Andalusian city of Jerez” Temperance ” (Planet), which has become one of the biggest bets of publishing in 2015, will go on sale tomorrow with a circulation of 500,000 copies in Spain and Latin America, including Brazil.

A “very ambitious bet and exciting “as the author acknowledged Efe, and has faced” without feeling limited and constrained “to the possibility that” there was a TV adaptation “.

On this occasion, Dueñas (City Real, 1964) makes traveling to the Indian Mauro Larrea by Mexico and Havana before reaching the thriving city of Jerez Cadiz in the second half of XIX.

The novel begins in Mexico, the country where Larrea, after becoming a renowned businessman and wealthy mining falls into utter ruin by a failed business.

An extreme situation that will lead to Havana seeking fortune and later at Jerez, where he come from fully into the world of “sherry” and the place where he meets Soledad Montalvo, the other main forte of “Temperance”.

Money and passion, “Molotov cocktails” to the writer, in a book starring a man for the first time in the history of Dueñas, since in his previous novels, “The time between seams” and “Mission forgot” were women who wore the thread.

“It was willingly get into the skin of Mauro Larrea, a powerful solvent man, although women are going to cross his path. Despite seem almost iron, unaffected by external pressures and influences on you do not choose, these women will upset him very differently, “described, referring also to Carola Gorostiza, the other protagonist.

“Temperance” was born in the mind of the writer “no characters” because what first seduced her was the context: “The nineteenth century, Jerez, trade winemaker and splendor of trade relations between England and Spain “.

Then came the Indian Larrea and then the rest of the large cast of names that make the novel is heard, smell and taste, because behind them Dueñas has deployed a” great job documentation “as recognized

.” It is a phase of my job that I love: I choose the scenarios that appeal to me. Learn all about them, he adds, not only historical events, but what they ate, what they wore or architecture. It is labor intensive, but I do gladly. For me, the details are most important because they help to create a seductive and believable atmosphere. “

And so reflected in this story that has a sherry as protagonists, wines conversation that the author “passionate” since childhood, thanks to the influence of his Andalusian grandfather.

But there are also wines that claimed because it is a product that in the 60s of s. XIX, as noted, accounted for “20% of Spanish exports.” And, displaying his academic training, PhD in English Philology, also recalls how in many works of English literature this wine praised appears.

“Temperance “It will arrive tomorrow to bookstores with two successful precedents for Dueñas, because with” The time between seams “sold over three million copies and was translated into 30 languages, and” Mission Olvido “exceeded 500,000.


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