Friday, March 20, 2015

France condemns two years Picasso electrician and his wife – El Universal (Venezuela)

Paris .- The Correctional Court of Grasse today sentenced to two years in prison, exempt from compliance, which was Picasso electrician Pierre Le Guennec and his wife Danielle, who for 37 years they kept secret 271 works of Andalusian master until brought to light in 2010.

The judges, who considered proven -beneficiarse the crime of receiving stolen knowing its origin goods ilícito- also condemned the couple Le Guennec restitution of works, a matter which is the subject of a parallel civil proceedings, told Efe lawyers of the parties.

The penalty is less than requested last February 12 at trial by the prosecution, who had claimed five years in prison, also exempt from compliance, for the two septuagenarian.

The works by Picasso who had in his garage electrician Picasso and his wife for three long decades until I tried to get a certificate of authenticity in 2010 had been the occasion of this process requisitioned for justice.

Under the ruling, should be Claude Ruiz Picasso who’s recovered, said the lawyer Jean-Jacques Neuer, who defends the interests of the painter’s family, though that is pending a possible appeal of the judgment and other civil process to address this issue.

Neuer said he was “very pleased” with the opinion of the correctional court because “ends a mystification and manipulation” of the now doomed.

As for the fact that the penalty is less than that required by the prosecution, he downplayed because “That was not the issue, but the restoration of the truth.”

The lawyer Le Guennec Charles-Etienne Gudin considered, meanwhile, that “in the present state of the relationship of forces” and in particular to the use of “an army of art experts” who were on the side of Picasso, “there could be no absolution.”

“I expected a bad decision (to the interests of the couple ) even worst “pronounced by the court of Grasse added Gudin.

The representative of the defense insisted that have no” intention of giving “, but declined to confirm the action which would suspend the restitution of works of the painter’s family before studying it in depth with their customers, who already have an advanced age.

At trial, the lawyer had tried to convince the judges of the absence of . evidence of fraudulent origin of the works

In fact, the former employee of the artist and his wife argued at the hearing that Jacqueline own -Last wife of the painter (1927-1986) – gave a day of part Picasso your electrical box, which they held for four decades in the garage of his home, convinced that inside there was only one set of papers without great artistic value.

The truth is that there were drawings, lithographs , some rare sketches and collages of great value, created between 1900 1932 and unsigned, currently valued at 60 million euros (68.3 million dollars).

Pierre and Danielle Le Guennec to They organize the inheritance of his children, asked in 2010 to authenticate works only body authorized to do so, Picasso Administration -gestora author’s rights and that was when Picasso’s family filed a complaint against them.


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