Thursday, March 19, 2015

The statue of the king who refused sodomized a museum exhibit … – BBC

  • March 19, 2015


& quot; No & quot dressed to conquer; Ines Doujak
The sculpture of the controversy: a dog, a trade unionist and a king.

Describe the sculpture that led to suspension of a group exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Barcelona (MACBA) amid accusations of censorship and heated controversy, is relatively simple, but requires several lines.

And in it a German Shepherd dog seems sodomizing a woman miner’s helmet in the Bolivian union -inspired Domitila Barrios which in turn sodomizes Juan Carlos I King of Spain -the previous who in turn throws flowers on several helmets Schutzstaffel: Nazi SS

The work is entitled “No dressed to conquer” and belongs to the Austrian Inés Doujak

And was part of the exhibition “The beast and the sovereign,” organized by the MACBA and the Württembergischer Kunstverein (WKV) in Stuttgart, which was supposed to open in Barcelona today.

The undignified representation of former Spanish monarch, however, led the MACBA director, Bartomeu Marí, late to request the removal of the sculpture, not considered “appropriate”.

And the refusal of the curators of the exhibition ended up causing the suspension, at the last minute, the entire exhibition.

See also: #MundoSocial: what is better not to joke in Spain

 & quot; No & quot dressed to conquer; Ines Doujak
“The beast and the sovereign” intended to explore “how contemporary art practices and undo question Western and metaphysical definition of political sovereignty. “

” The work is part of the tradition of parody, sculptures and iconoclastic carnival cartoons. Did not mean to insult a private person, but critically reformulate a collective representation of sovereign power, “explained the curators a statement released by the WKV and shared with BBC World.

” The removal of the piece of Doujak not there would only be irreparably compromised the whole concept of the show but also challenged our view of art, freedom of expression and the role of the museum in contemporary society, “reads the document, which justify its refusal.

“Under the circumstances, the act of canceling the exhibition an act of censorship,” stated there.

The MACBA, meanwhile, has officially only regretted not being able to reach a compromise that would allow opening of the exhibition “because, after all, who is detrimental to our audience and our ongoing dedication to service.”

Museo de Arte Contempor & # XE1; neo Barcelona
The head of the MACBA considered “inappropriate” the work of Doujak.

“It is difficult to understand and share some decisions. It is also difficult to explain calmly in the media maelstrom that we are living. You are sure to find the space and time to share the debate that no doubt is generated after a situation like this, “reads the website.

The debate, however, and began both . in the media and social networks

There are discussing both the merits of the work of Doujak such as the role of contemporary art, the risks of censorship and the limits of freedom of expression; and even the relationship of Spanish and public institutions with the royal house.

Because, in fact, this is not the first time that satirical depictions of a Spanish monarch lead to actions denounced as “censorship” .

In Spain the idea that the figure of King symbolizes the unity of the state is enshrined in the Constitution of 1978, which states that it is “inviolable”.

And since then, it is considered that attack the king is attack the state.

For now, however, the images of “not dressed to conquer” which had been exhibited at the 31 edition Sao Paulo Biennale and will be presented with all the works of “The Beast and the Sovereign” in the Württembergischer Kunstverein Sttugart- have become a sensation on the Internet, even in Spain itself.

Because, as often happens in such cases, the controversy has only become more visible that the museum would not show.


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