Friday, January 13, 2017

The real story of possession that inspired ‘The exorcist’ –

died Yesterday, a victim of cancer in a hospital near his home, the novelist us William Peter Blatty, author of the world-famous novel The exorcist; let us remember the incredible true story of possession that inspired Blatty to write one of the books most chilling of the story.

WE RECOMMEND: Died William Peter Blatty, author of ‘The exorcist’.

Tells an anecdote that, a few years before jumping to fame with The exorcist, Blatty took part in the famous program of competitions “You Bet Your Life” —directed by actor Groucho Marx in the 50′s and 60′s— disguised as an arabian sheik who had so many wives that he did not remember the exact number. Groucho believed the story and William Peter won the sum of 10 thousand dollars.

When the comedian asked Blatty what he would do with the money, he replied: “I’ll take a year off from work and I will write a book”. That book ended up being The exorcist, which was published in 1971 and became a best seller world whose success was strengthened a few years later by the version fílimica directed by William Friedkin —who, by the way, was the one who made public the death of Blatty.

Years after the premiere of the tape, a journalist discovered that the successful novel was inspired by an exorcism real, which took place in 1949, and took place over a 13-year-old whose identity was protected under the pseudonyms ‘Robbie’, ‘Roland Doe’ or ‘Robbie Manheim’.

WE RECOMMEND: Agatha Christie, the pen behind the crime.

The exorcism of ‘Robbie’ took place in Cottage City, Maryland, and in St. Louis, Missouri. As stated by one of the clerics who participated in the exorcism, it lasted about six weeks and the case received a lot of notoriety in the local newspapers. Although there is no consensus among the news stories, the testimonies of the various religious involved in the case and that reported by the author Thomas B. Allen in his book Possessed (1993), it is possible to construct the following succession of events:

‘Robbie’ was an only child and was born in the mark of a lutheran family of German descent. His only playmate was your aunt Harriet, who practiced spiritualism and introduced ‘Robbie’ in the reading of the table ouija. After the death of aunt Harriet, began to appear strange phenomena: sounds unexplained, furniture changed place and objects that levitaban in the presence of ‘Robbie’. The family went with their spiritual leader, the lutheran pastor, Thousands Schulze, who witnessed with their own eyes such events and recommended that the family have recourse to a catholic priest.

‘Robbie’ was the subject of exorcisms. In one of them, which took place in the Hospital of the University of Georgetown —where the facts that we observe in the film—, an institution jesuit, ‘Robbie’ broke one of the ropes with which he was tied, kicked off a spring from the mattress where he was and used him as a weapon against the priest, Edward Hughes, who discontinued the procedure. Before this, the family traveled to St. Louis, Missouri, in search of help.

WE RECOMMEND: The power of rumor: 10 historical cases of psychosis collective.

At St. Louis, the professor Raymond J. Bishop and the priest William S. Bowdern visited ‘Robbie’ and witnessed an episode in which the bed is shaking by itself, objects flying in an inexplicable way and ‘Robbie’ he spoke with a strange guttural voice, and showed aversion to crucifixes and holy water. Bowdern, he obtained permission of his superiors to practice an exorcism in the Hospital of the Brothers Alexandrians, which shortly after was demolished.

Finally, a last exorcism was conducted in the psychiatric ward of the hospital. Participated in it, in addition, the priests Walter Halloran and William Van Roo. Many years later in an interview, Halloran said he had seen as the words ‘evil’ and ‘Hell’ appeared spontaneously in the body of the boy and that, during the recitation of the litany, the bed began to shake. The exorcism was so violent that Halloran ended up with a broken nose. According to the statements of the latter, after this ritual ‘Robbie’ did not present major symptoms of possession and continued with your normal life.

the furniture in The basement, where it happened, the exorcism were transferred to a convent and then started to happen strange events on it. And although there are a number of possible scientific explanations for the phenomena reported in the case of ‘Robbie’, the perspective of some religious people is that it presents practically all the elements for which the catholic church considers it a real case of possession and demonic.



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