Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Investigate tweets to be offensive towards Bosé after the death of Bimba – The Universal

“I Want to believe that the death of Bimba Bosé is a divine punishment for @BoseOfficial why God hates homosexuals”. So unnecessarily offensive and homophobic have been some of the comments that the family of the recently deceased model, singer and DJ Bimba Bosé has had to endure days of his death.

While its nearby are going through a complex time after losing the woman after a struggle against the cancer, apart from words of encouragement, through social networks have come of tweets full of insults to the accounts of the artist of 41 years and also of his uncle, Miguel Bosé.

it Is for this reason that the office of the prosecutor of room of computer crime as asked for information on these tweets to investigate them and determine if they incurred a hate crime by its contents homophobic.

In the case that the tweets analyzed are actually this stage, it would imply that the authors of the messages have made a hate crime. This research was specifically requested by the minister of justice Spanish, Rafael Catalá, who said that social networks can not be used “for the offense, and the fulfilment of crimes". In previous years, to be consulted by their sexual status, both the deceased Bimba as the musician stated that their romantic interests and sexual goes beyond a specific genre.



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