Saturday, January 28, 2017

John Hurt: 5 fun facts did you know the actor that left us – The Trade

1. With more than 40 deaths on the screen, is the actor who most often has lost the life in the fiction. What he did in “Alien, the eighth passenger” (1979), “Hellboy” (2004) and “The crazy history of the galaxies” (1987) and many more movies.

2. During the filming of the death of his character in “Alien, the eighth passenger” (1979), none of the other actors knew that an alien was going to get out of your body.

3. The series “The storyteller” had only one season. It is thanks to its success that the production decided to create a ‘spin off’ called “The storyteller. Greek myths”, whose protagonist was Michael Gambon, although remained at the same dog.

4. In “The storyteller” is always repeated a number: three. For example, in the episode “The three ravens”, three characters had to keep silent for three years, three months and three days to break a curse. In the same way, in “The giant without a heart”, the protagonist, the youngest of three princes, to help three animals, and on the third occasion, being able to find what I was looking for. While it is known the prominence of this number, it is not known what is its meaning.

5. At the end of the first day of filming of “The elephant man” and after realizing the complications of make-up (they needed eight hours of touch-ups so that he could give life to the protagonist), Hurt he called his wife to tell her: “I Think I have finally managed to hate the performance.”

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