The newspaper ‘Public’ has revealed this Thursday, a scandalous plot of blackmail involving the Royal House of spain, to senior police officers, the mafia china, the National Center of Intelligence and the media as a possible speaker. In the information published under the suggestive antetítulo “the sewers of the Interior” will also include audio files with fragments of conversations that demonstrate the blackmail and extortion that take place between members of the police and members of the CNI. Apparently, the game is the possible publication of details demanding of a romantic relationship that the ex-monarch Juan Carlos I would have kept with a aristocrat of German ori gin Danish, call Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein.
The expensive silence of two women
it would Not be the first scandal of this kind; in fact, as we reported recently, some Spanish media have revealed data that indicate that a former lover of Juan Carlos I, Barbara King, has received funds reserved at the National Center of Intelligence in exchange for his silence.
in the light of the new exclusive the Spanish newspaper, we now know that the publication of such information would only be the first episode of a campaign of blackmail being perpetrated by certain members of the police, who are very close to the ex-minister of Interior, Jorge Fernandez Diaz. His threat now is to reveal also secrets too shameful to mention of the relationship between Juan Carlos and Corinna (as well as the payments it would have received in exchange for his silence) if they do not stop the research on them, which seem to be involved in matters that are turbid with a powerful mafia china that operates in Spain.
The audio: first names, last names and explicit threats
In the recordings recently released shows clearly how one of the police commissioners mentioned the bank accounts of Corinna, payments received and dealing with certain journalists who used to publish this information in case you continue feeling pressured by the justice.
listen to names and surnames, mentions the president of a major daily English and used expressions as explicit as “will or nothing will come of [the information] when the other [one commissioner involved] you say ‘tira p alante’…”.
Also referred to meetings of specific members of the CNI which would make explicit threats. One of the cops admits to have said to an agent of the CNI, “I do not call to testify”.
below you can listen to the recordings, which are the property of the journal ‘Public’:
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