Saturday, January 2, 2016

Game of Thrones: The new season will come before the book – Daily Mail

The author of the series Game of Thrones , George RR Martin , pointed at her personal blog that the sixth book will not be published before the sixth season, predicting that there will be aspects of the novel that reveal by the TV series.

“I will not present excuses. No excuses. There is no one else to enculpar. Neither my editors and my advertisers, nor HBO. It falls to me, “said the author to his millions of fans. So, he apologized for not being able to meet the delivery date of his latest book, which said it was due to a busy year.

So, Martin should have delivered the manuscript of the sixth novel Game of Thrones 31 December. No emargo, could not meet and indicated that missing even months of work to culminate in the text entitled “The Winds of Winter”.

Martin and his team of editors held meetings throughout the year, postponing the date of delivery of the novel, originally scheduled for late October. Martin said in May it seemed delivery date of the most achievable.

In this way, the plan had published the book March 2016 . But now it will be impossible and the series, to be released mid- April , eventually overtaking events later published in the book.


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