Saturday, January 23, 2016

Discovered 200 years thousand temple where women sacrificed – newspaper Zocalo

Temple Discovered in Peru 200 years where they sacrificed a thousand women. Photo: Sean Gallup / Getty Images


01/23/2016 – 9:34 a.m.

The Epoch Times | Perú.- Peruvian archaeologists discovered a ceremonial temple thousand 200 years old that was used to sacrifice women in order to worship the gods of the pre-Inca cultures in Lambayeque (northern) region, reported Friday Project director Edgar Bracamonte.

In this temple, the researchers say, converge various Peruvian cultures such as the Moche, Cajamarca and Wari- which then gave way to the Lambayeque civilization that preceded the Inca empire.

“We have discovered a ceremonial temple thousand 200 years old which served as a secret facility where women priests They performed sacrifices to their gods”, told AFP the archaeologist Bracamonte from the city of Chiclayo in Lambayeque region (a about 790 kilometers north of Lima).

“This is a temple for private ceremonies, has platforms and a central ramp was covered with earth, which has placed many offerings. Including six funerals of young women were found in different parts, “said the archaeologist.

Bracamonte, who led the investigation since December, said the skulls of the sacrificed women were in position toward the Andes. “What attracted attention is the unusual position of one of the burial of a young woman of about 24 years. It is placed in the central part of the ramp, next to a camel and ceramic pots. “

” This discovery is very important because it reveals a close relationship between the Moche and Lambayeque culture, “said Bracamonte.

The temple is located in the Huaca Santa Rosa, in the district of Pucalá, about 30 kilometers from the city of Chiclayo.

In northern Peru, the Moche culture He developed between 100 and 700 d. C .; Cajamarca from 200 to 800 d. C., while the Wari, which covered a large part of the Peruvian coast and southern highlands, was 500 to 900 d. C.

Finally, Lambayeque, which also occupied the coast, took place from 700 to 1375 d. C.



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