Saturday, January 14, 2017

The death of Zygmunt Bauman and education liquid chilean – piensaChile

One of the many social concerns of Zygmunt Bauman, it was the education in these times of descompromiso, of consumption, exacerbated, of insolent shortcuts to knowledge, of instant gratification, where human relations are measured in terms of cost and benefit, that is to say, of "liquidity" in the strict financial sense, where the knowledge is sliced into small pieces, one for each trade and profession. Know is a threat and what should we discard it? The author says, "the perspective of load with a responsibility for the life they disdain it as something repulsive and alarming" (Bauman, 2007, p. 28).

Bauman, at the International Meeting, Education 360, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2015, we would assert that education is a victim of liquid modernity, and it "should train citizens to reclaim public space of dialogue and their democratic rights, as a citizen ignorant of the political circumstances and social lives will be totally unable to control the future of these and his own", as you add on the back cover of The challenges of education in liquid modernity.

education is a down by the policy, by the utility, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, and by corporate interests; an example in point for our nearby reality are the corporations, educational in chile, which argue an education class, expulsiva and of poor quality, aimed at the sectors most disadvantaged, the vulnerable system. And to sample a button: the last PSU was finally shown as well, since the education provided to us has abandoned the notion of useful knowledge for the whole life, and replaces it by the knowledge of "use and throw", validity utilitarian temporary and that, of course, as long as not otherwise stated. We speak, therefore, of a precarious, sewn with basting, destroyer of frames cognitive. the sound knowledge and the pedagogical discourse passed on to a better life, do not serve for a time metamorphosed, where everything can happen, but anything can happen with absolute certainty.

The work of Zygmunt Bauman is very wide, covers approximately 30 books and many other articles in various media of the world, written around the liquid modernity, which is defined as the time in which we live, characterized by "volatility", "immediacy", the "descompromiso", "instantaneity", "uncertainty", "fragmentation", the "insolidez", "speed", "impatience", the "insecurity"…

Of all this wealth of publications Bauman, left us, as a source of learning and reflection, that a small book and easy to read that point them, however, very substantial and of a long flight, The challenges of education in liquid modernity, a text that at some point our technocrats, promoters of educational policies failed, continuistas of the project of the dictatorship pinochetista, should give you a small glimpse and a more in-depth glimpse, to stop and reflect when the author expresses, "today knowledge is a commodity; at least has been cast in the mould of the goods and are encouraged to continue their education in accordance with the model of the goods" (Bauman, Op. Cit, p. 30). This phrase, magnificent, eloquent of the reality that flows through us, leads us to ask what have you done in all these years the authorities of the portfolio with our schools and the public educational system?

If Pinochet destroyed completely and knowingly the public education system, privatized into the hands of the highest bidder, municipalizó in a subdivision infamous among municipalities rich municipalities, poor and defended the paradigm inequitable, expulsive and differentiating, we can wonder, to date, what have we modified to the benefit of the education of the working people in all this pilgrimage of democratic governments? it Is urgent require of them, but require them seriously and with solid foundations to our representatives. Education is a long-term investment and it is a right, not a gift, nor is it at the will of the markets, as such, since, as all and any rights, this right is, to put it in relief, urging us on.

It speaks to the weariness of the end of the profit, but we don’t do anything to break up definitely with him, we were on promises and studies that never come to be applied in its fullness, for any vertex, we were always pokes the trap and the education remains more of the same, destined to be a handful that do can against a tangle huge that it always is left with the crumbs, and half way, "the business organizations of today tend to have a considerable element of disorganization deliberately constructed; the less solid and readily alterable to be an organization, so much the better" (Bauman, pp.34-35). And is it not precisely this that happens in our schools? the Educational Institutions in the country, from north to south, have been transformed into a vulgar commercial organizations, knowledge is sold as in the bag and not anyone can buy it. Our poor do not keep hoping that a kind soul will remember them.

These simple paragraphs, enlightening, and critical, but simple cms, alert us, and would shake the consciences of those in education have to legislate on all matters, with urgency, we are in need as a company in growth and as a poor country.

A few days after happened the death of the Polish author, philosopher and sociologist, I leave them raised the concern and the text, so that we have in our hands a material tasty to propose, discuss, and more thinking tools to demand the next government.

education can’t continue to wait, the change has to happen now, with urgency, after the last fiasco in the PSU, our students should graduate from schools with a strong knowledge in this liquid modernity.


Bauman, Z The challenges of education in liquid modernity

Gedisa Editor, Barcelona, 2007.


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