Saturday, September 3, 2016

The Mediterranean Serrat: a pit of refugees – The Observer

The musician Joan Manuel Serrat with the Spanish NGO Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR) initiated a project to support refugees crossing every day the Mediterranean Sea looking to escape the war that exists in Syria.
Under the name “Rescatemos # NuestroMediterráneo” recently released a video showing a surprise intervention of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Spain interpreting the Mediterranean Serrat song in a park. While viewers come to listen, musicians begin to uncover images of refugees crossing the sea.

At the end of the audiovisual piece, the singer mentioned that the Mediterranean that inspired his song “falls far short” of today, where “people life trying to make it safe from the war left”.

“We want the Mediterranean longer a gigantic mass grave … and again become a place to live wonderful stories as Serrat sang” ends the video that seeks to make the world aware about a situation that has not changed in recent years.

a year after the death of Aylan, the child found on the shores of a Turkish beach, whose image shocked the world, the deaths of migrants crossing the sea to escape the war unrelieved. As demonstrated by the video of CEAR, in six years, more than 15,000 migrants have left their lives at sea.
From the website of the creative organization of the initiative, denounce “extremely slow” in the location and settlement processes for immigrants arriving in Europe.


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