Wednesday, September 28, 2016

“Harry Potter and the legacy cursed” arrived in bookstores –

From the door, a dementor was serving the dual role of threaten and invite the people to walk. In the main hall, Hagrid’s vernacular was required to selfies while Karkarov wandered through the corridors and waved at a couple of young parents who grew up reading the series, and to their children. Groups of boys dressed in the colors of Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin they were celebrating the victories of the houses in each game. Adolescents characterized as Hermione and Ron were mixed in with other guys who wore the uniform to play Quidditch. Three girls dressed as prisoners of Azkaban dragged their sorrows, and, beyond that, Minerva McGonagall put the Hat switch to those that have not yet had a house and wanted to belong to a (to me Gryffindor).


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