Monday, September 26, 2016

Google testing with Andromeda, your OS hybrid Android/Chrome OS, on a Nexus 9 –

Nexus 9

The 4 of October will not only be important for Google, for the presentation of all these products, as are the Pixel, Google Home, viewer DayDream and Chromecast 4K, but the software will also have a great value for what it will mean Google Assistant, and the possibility that we are present in front of Andromeda, your OS hybrid Android/Chrome OS.

Now we know that your operating system hybrid Android/ Chrome OS has been internally called "Andromeda" and that is being tested on a Nexus device 9. Yes, that tablet that passed without calling much attention and was developed by HTC 2 years ago. It is this time that there is clear evidence that Andromeda could make their appearance on the 4th of October.

it Is "" the fact that a detected Android devices have the feature of free management of windows. It seems that everything is focused on another step in Android.


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