Most of the stories of Star Trek – the sci-fi franchise that today, September 8, at 50 years of his appearance on TV – happen in the distant future will probably not we reach to live. Unless its creator Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991) and his successors underestimated the pace of technological progress on Earth.
It turns out that we developed when it comes to many of the components used society are reviewed of the 23 and 24 centuries, as is described in the series.
One of the key moments in the universe of Star Trek takes place in 2063 with the first test of a motor ( Warp Drive ) that can travel faster than the speed of light. Vulcans in the series are witnesses of how the human species reaches this development and begin their first contact with Earth, which gives rise to the fundamental premise of the franchise.
A not so distant future?
CBSone might think that the idea that humans developed a technology to travel faster than light in the next 47 years is absurd. After However, 47 years have passed since set foot on the moon, and we have not yet sent an astronaut to a point farther in space.
But are occurring important things in this field, what might be about to be taken seriously by the scientific and engineering community. last year it was revealed that a laboratory NASA has been working on a controversial project called the EM motor. it is controversial because it would seem to violate the laws physics, but if it really works in space, could drastically reduce the length of a trip to the moon, Mars or beyond.
it is an engine that operates faster than light ( one Warp Drive ), but it could be a springboard to develop transport traveling at that speed. The concept has existed for years without having revolutionized space travel, but this could soon change. Late last month, José Rodal published in the NASASpaceFlight forum that research work on the EM engine has passed the review of his scientific colleagues and could soon be released.
Even more, a community of enthusiasts has emerged EM engine. Researchers affiliated with various governments, universities, small businesses and even some builders in the garages of their homes are now working on their own version of this impossible technology, with at least some willing to test the engine in space to finally prove it works on reality.
Could demonstrated real ability of the engine to 2063 and thus remain aligned with the universe of Star Trek ? Conventional wisdom says it is still technically possible, but remain alert to a possible shift in thinking if some of the tests of motor EM become successful (and that’s a “yes” huge).
but that Warp Drive annoying is just one of the technological challenges of Star Trek when it comes to turning the science fiction franchise in scientific fact. Many of the devices seen in the series, as the gun phaser , are already in development.
The video embedded below, taken from the documentary Building Star Trek Smithsonian Channel – premiered online Tuesday – shows a high-energy laser similar to phaser that is built in the laboratory of the company Lockheed Martin. Not only could be used to stun enemies but can also track and destroy missiles.
Much of the new technology of the 23 century emerged from the imagination of Roddenberry also is becoming a reality. Those clever communicators are more than possible when you combine technologies such as Bluetooth networks or cell-satellites. And who needs a holodeck when virtual reality glasses are portable?
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we have also made a respectable progress in the last half century to develop a Tricorder, a universal translator and even a replicator limited food.
But when you think about it, that’s the easy part. These devices reflect the needs and concerns of the twentieth century, which came Star Trek . Address problems whose solution is already in development, so it’s not entirely surprising that these efforts have begun to bear fruit.
But what about some of the most challenging inventions for Physical views series, such as cloaking, force fields and tractor beams?
there are scientists at the University of Rochester who are working on a real cloaking device.
according to some Trekkers (called Trekkers ), this puts us a couple of centuries ahead of human beings in the universe of Star Trek in terms of starting to leverage the capabilities potential cover-up.
But not just concealment or invisibility is gradually coming out of the realm of science fiction and fantasy to become a reality. CNET have reported on efforts to create tractor beams (in water) and force fields that are of laughter.
Maybe they are not able to act at the moment on a huge object like a spaceship but the proof of concept is there. We could spend decades working to expand these innovations and even surpass the timeline of Star Trek .
Elon Musk and other tycoons obsessed with Mars are also pushing humanity to become in a much faster than in the Star Trek universe multi-planetary species. The first colony on Mars, according to some episodes of the television series Star Trek: Voyager, was not launched in that universe until 2103. If Musk’s ambitions come true, there could be human presence on the Red Planet decades before.
So if you’ve ever dreamed of the possibility of one day join Starfleet or long-lived live and prosper in a future universe, do not lose hope. Does not have to be science fiction forever.
Of course, there is a key component for the universe of Star Trek that is beyond our control. So far there is nothing remotely approaching solid evidence of the existence of intelligent life beyond the International Space Station. Until we know how alone (or not) that we are, we find little use to our cloaking devices and phasers .
The latest good news is that we are making progress in the search for intelligent life with the discovery of the closest to the sun exoplanet and new and powerful telescopes to increase our search capabilities.
Inevitably, we will reach places where no human has gone before, and could be more sooner rather than later if we boldly inventing all these things that have been imagined before.
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