Monday, September 5, 2016

Freddie Mercury would have turned 70 years today – Vanguardia Liberal

Freddie Mercury was born seven decades ago but never his kingdom was of this world sings better every day. We review its history.

Fiction is never pure. Jules Verne off an inflated balloon with hydrogen toward the Sahara in search of tributaries of the Nile, auriferous mountains and beautiful from the same island lost in Central Africa where, 83 years later, a short scream air stones is Thursday, September 5 1946 in Zanzibar, Tanzania, and Mrs. Bulsara Jen does not know that the child who just got out screaming in your belly is a diamond carving. When an extraordinary human being is born fiction mechanisms are activated. They anchored to reality. And starts working verisimilitude unreal myth.

“I’ve created a monster, the monster is me”, he will say many years later, when no longer Farrokh Bulsara, the scream, but Freddie Mercury, the sun while floating modulates his voice. A gifted able to control every cell of your larynx vibrating (see related note). Its magnetism is no less monstrous: subjected to 300 thousand people with only raise his fist. Of course, as a backdrop has the richness of aesthetic design powered by the other three diamond tips Brian May, John Deacon and Roger Taylor, especially virtuoso sound when joining the two buildings – “Sheer Heart Attack” (1974) and “A Night at the Opera” (1975) – with which Queen busting the doors of rock and appears on stage between glitz. A continuous flow of psychedelia, progressive, heavy, hard, folk, blues and pop leading to the kind shades of glam.

The arrangements voice for “Bohemian Rapsody” are eight sheets score with mixtures six eight ‘voicings’. The Queen Symphony, moderate beauty, fracture seventies showing fist of dignified grace.

But a day like today is more conducive speak of individual collective. The unusual fate of this creature that 70 years ago saw the light in that African island where he anchored the marriage of Bomi and Jer Bulsara, natives of Bulsar, Parsi community settled in southern India, a follower of the Iranian prophet Zoroaster -Zarathustra- and the god Ahura Mazda. The Parsee live proud of their Persian descent, have invented Sanskrit and a strange funeral rite: they carry their dead to the Tower of Silence, watchtower built at the top of a mountain where leave the bodies to be devoured by vultures. Not like carrion, it is a rite of purification. Land, water and air deserve respect, no pollution.

Farrokh Bulsara Parsi is AKA Freddie Mercury Mercury, messenger of the gods. Parsi is probably the best rock singer of all time. Born on an island rich in slaves, ivory, cinnamon, pepper and nutmeg. As aromatic and convulsive. When Freddie is 18 years the island became independent of British protectorate, but not herself: in Zanzibar so far homosexuality is a crime. Six years in prison for lesbian, gay 25.

“I’m as gay as a daffodil,” he declared NME in 1974. And the world is eaten with Queen. It is Queen and pyrotechnics. The band breaks all records Guinness and its frontman also. It is a predator care. It has a sexuality, say, jubilant. In the end he agreed to have loved one woman in his life Barbara Valentin, his girlfriend between 1983 and 1985, but his voracity and had become a Russian roulette that led to Jim Hutton, his last partner, in whose arms were death.

“you can not turn the clock / can not turn back the tide / is not that a shame? / The rest of my life has just been a show, “he sings in” These Are the Days of Our Lives “eighth track of” Innuendo “(1991) whose video Freddie goodbye to this world. Records it in black and white to disguise the ravages of AIDS. Finish the show and makeup is diluted. Between the cold sweat and cold sores erupt again contortions. And without the strength to paint her nails black, launches a statement to the press, you receive Elton John, eating a mango ice cream at dawn and hugging her boyfriend. It is 24 November 1991. Its light is extinguished.

“I will not be a star, I will be a legend. Rudolph Nureyev want to be rock and roll, “he said. At 70 years of its appearance and 25 of its rebirth, we are able to say that predictions about their own existence are more than fulfilled. Freddie Mercury is the force of nature that sings with the speed of a hurricane


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