Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Bruce Springsteen tells how he struggled against depression in 2010 – Terra Peru

The singer himself acknowledged one of the most intimate moments of his personal life. In an interview with the magazine Vanity Fair the singer revealed that in 2010 had to fight depression and take years to win that battle.

In that interview he explained that “was destroyed between 60 and 62, then spent a good year, and I was wrong again 63 to 64 “. in fact, coincides with the release of the album ‘ Wrecking Ball ‘ where a song says he has been” bad, but not so bad. I’ve been lost, but never so lost “

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To Bruce Springsteen depression is not new, and spoke at 2012 from which he suffered in the 80 . I was Musically on top, but his thoughts were elsewhere and that damn disease caused him suicidal thoughts who managed to fix thanks to a therapist .

in fact, one of the fears the singer is that depression win the battle and suffer as happened to his father Douglas, who reached a very deep level


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