Monday, September 26, 2016

The libraries argentinas is preparing to receive Harry Potter – Clarí

Two thousand copies. That number -which represents a total sale more or less of a successful novel to be "normal"- is it was a library important –important, but a single– boot sale in Harry Potter and the legacy cursed, the latest book of the saga of J. K. Rowling, which will be available from this midnight. The last book that walked near, in the same library, was The cerecro argentine, Facundo Manes and Matthew Niro, 1900.

strictly speaking, this is not the eighth book of Harry Potter. It is a play written by the playwright Jack Thorne (of 37 years) and the theatre director John Tiffany to from an idea of the author.

The idea is this: Harry has 40 years old, married, has three children and is an employee of the Ministry of Magic. As things are, you will live an adventure together with his youngest son, Albus Severus.

The cover. In English. The design in Spanish  is the same.

In England, where the book was already submitted, number of copies the original sold out in three days, which became the book that was sold more quickly in the last ten years.

For the Southern Cone –which has a translation special– made 100,000 copies, of which 65,000 to come to Argentina "and you’re not going to achieve", estimated at the local distributor, the publishing house Edhasa.

"A local dealer started out asking for 800 copies, and when he saw how came the orders, climbed up to 5,000", they say in Edhasa.

An independent bookstore, which does not belong to a chain, they explained, usually asks for thirty or forty copies of a novelty: with this last Harry Potter book –although it is theater, a genre that the guys are less accustomed to read– the orders are between one hundred fifty and two hundred copies.

actually the previous book, Harry Potter and the deathly hallows (2008) had started with a circulation higher, but that was within what they expected, because he had announced that he concluded the series. The high sales of it, in English, surprised.

why is sold more than what was expected? As there was a lot that was not a new title, it was not known if the series would have new readers, since those who followed it had grown.

however, some tracks had: the first volume of the series Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone, 1997, always followed by selling. And a chain of bookstores sold 5,000 books of the magician in English.

"Something happened with the book–they say in the distributor– in the relationship between parents and children: parents read to the children. And the play comes to this subject, father and son."

In some libraries there are already orders: Hopscotch, of La Plata, spoke of 120 orders, And the buenos aires "El Ateneo" is planning a vigil that largará to 21 –with a variety of games– to wait to do the 12 of the night and start selling the book. Magic.


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