Friday, September 11, 2015

Pablo Rivero ‘sorry’ after criticism of his former teammate in Tell me, Pilar Punzano – HELLO USA


The actor Antonio Rivero said the situation saddens him these days has surrounded the series Tell , in which he makes a starring role. The artist, after the impact had Punzano Pilar statements in which he criticized his teammates and producer, said: “It is a very sensitive issue. I pity the situation. ” He however avoided comment too much about what happened. “I have spoken with Imanol and Pilar and they know they respect them both and I love them a lot. I spend with my friends, tell me what you want me count, but rather not muddy ropes. ” He continued: “This series, like all others, is a job like any other. Sometimes you get along better with one another, sometimes something happens to you, but it is work. Tell is not perfect as it is not any series or film shoots, “he said. The artist was one of those who walked in the Madrid Fashion Night Out, in which there were many familiar faces. The series Tell has jumped these days now after criticism made Punzano Pilar, one of their players, their teammates after being replaced by another actress in the new season.


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