Monday, September 14, 2015

Criticism of the visit: an atypical horror film – lagranepoca

director M. Night Shyamalan (Credit: Astrid Stawiarz / Getty Images)

On Friday I went to see “The visit” Indian director’s new film M. Night Shyamalan, known for such films as “The Sixth Sense,” “Signs” and “The Forest”.

Shyamalan is one of my favorite filmmakers (as mentioned previously, I loved “Lady in the Water”), but recent years has not been very lucid: “The Incident” (2008), “Airbender” (2010), “The trap of evil” (2011) and “After Earth” (2013) have marked a downward trajectory line director whose talent one expects more.

This time I went to the cinema waiting to reconnect with the charm of Shyamalan’s films that I liked, and although things have not been so bad, the but it does has been an interesting movie that points to a certain return to the origins . History appears as two children shot by handheld camera, when they go to visit her grandparents-to which no conocen- the field. Grandparents are rare, but the mother and children are no less so.

At some point in the film one comes to ask if anyone normal for this film, frankly … This reminds the cast of ” Lady in the Water “where atypical characters were happening in front of the camera as a competition of rarities. The outcome of “The Visit” is unexpected, and interpretations of the elders and children create an interesting contrast. For my part, the most terrifying thought I saw that two people living without access, it’s terrible!

Finally, is not a movie to write home and has some rather disgusting details, but at least it seems Shyamalan again raise its head , albeit slowly

I leave here with the trailer in Spanish:.

Article Original here


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