Friday, September 18, 2015

Lara Alvarez new reinforcement for Big Brother – Blasting News

The girlfriend of Fernando Alonso despite what might appear has not had an easy race and in recent years has given many jolts. He is currently living his sweetest time after work survivors. Half vacation, half by waiting for the right moment where there is a program of the grill where to place it, reenters for copresentar the special “Last minute” Big Brother will acquire greater importance to disappear “Change me premium”, the failed program presented Jorge Javier Vazquez.

As we learned from the program will present the house Guadalix, which presumably will help conduct the tests show contestants. This edition of Big Brother seems that in terms of audience is working very well, something reassuring for Telecinco that has chained two sound batacazos its summer program “A ticket for the island” and the aforementioned “premium Change me.”

Two failures that surprised just when the chain was at its peak after the great success of the last edition of Survivor. We’ll see how Lara develops work and if your work looks like on the island. For now I will work with the contestants of this year.

The reinforcement will help to give greater prominence to this edition of the program on the one hand, while attempting to alleviate the viewing figures than previously thought to reach a “Change me premium” that has proved a bluff grand, leaving very clearly that viewers often poorly digest mixtures of programs into one and have made Jorge Javier Vazquez try the honey of failure for the first time, which adds to the bad reviews it has garnered his play which is currently represented by the Spanish geography.


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