Tuesday, September 29, 2015

· Critical hopeless man irrational man – EscribiendoCine

The New York director strikes a recurring theme of his later films: the dark sense of human existence. His last film presented at the Cannes Film Festival 68 out of competition, is to Joaquin Phoenix in the role of a professor of philosophy depressive becomes involved with a student up Emma Watson.

Professor Abe (Joaquin Phoenix) comes to campus to take over a vacant chair. It shows his intellect and perceptions of life. A young student falls in love with him, and tries to get him out of his existential depression. But it is not love that which gives meaning to human life, but the choice of killing an unknown third party to help.

As in his previous magic to moonlight (Magic in the moonlight, 2014), Woody Allen weapon a completely dark story under a pleasant tone. As if it were an irony the filmmaker octogenarian behind a love story constructs a plot that wanders from the existential dilemmas to murder as the ultimate meaning of life.

The theme is treated in a manner more pasatista in Match Point (2005) but no less profound. That which is hidden behind a dark personality is much more turbid than the ambitions of the protagonist of the film shot in London. The scary thing here is that the lack of reasons is the protagonist in your life is just “reason” for the act of killing.

Magic in the light of the moon was in love, the solution to the existential dilemma irrational, irrational man (Irrational Men, 2015) is the murder that which gives meaning. In this respect the air had the tragic comedy film starring Colin Firth, this time becomes an even more somber affair.

As busy topic, irrational man has no novelty in his argument nor originality in its cinematic form. Allen reiterated themes of his recent films and being inconsequential nature film about his vast filmography. However, we must recognize that the thematic diversity was never a concern of the director of Midnight in Paris (Midnight in Paris, 2011) that returns again and again on the same concerns as an artist.

Think each protagonist and alter ego of Woody Allen, something that was always the director does not act in a film directed by him that is that this is a Woody hopeless, filled with more questions than answers and with one mission: to make films in pasatistas to disguise appearance.


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