Friday, September 18, 2015

Announces new album Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones – Trade

Keith Richards announced that the legendary band that integrates The Rolling Stones , has definite plans to ‘record’ a new album in the coming months.

In an interview with iHeartRadio, the British artist said the disc 25 of the band, first in the last ten years, was agreed during a meeting that he and his companions were in London.

guitarist, who had suggested the possibility of re-recording with singer Mick Jagger and the rest of the group for the promotion of his third solo album, “Crosseyed Heart” -a sale from tomorrow, also said that possibility in magazine “Rolling Stone”.

A new album “seems closer. I do not know where, do not know yet when. We had a little chat. We just said ‘we have to get into the studio right? According , well, guys, it is agreed, ‘”he recounted Keith Richards .

This year, Jagger had suggested that the Stones were ready new material for a potential album, the first since “A Bigger Bang” (2005).

“It would be nice. I have many new songs that I’ve written over the past two years. I recorded good ‘demos’ of them all and I would record them. So I hope we do, “Jagger said in April to” Rolling Stone “.

Keith Richards these days promoting his third solo album, the first in 23 years, after of “Talk is Cheap” (1988) and “Main Offender” (1992)

(Eph / El Comercio)

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