Friday, September 25, 2015

The song “Happy Birthday” was free of copyright – RPP News

Thursday, 24 September 2015 | 4:47 pm

sure you sang this famous song to honor someone on their birthday, well, it is that “ Happy Birthday ” (Happy Birthday, in its translation into Spanish) had belonged for decades to Warner and it is estimated that it would have earned up to 2 million dollars in annual revenue , of the royalties generated by the song.

The record Warner / Chappell belongs to Warner Music Group , claimed that had the rights of use to have bought a Summy Co. who in turn got it from the original authors, sisters Mildred and Patty Hill ; however, a Los Angeles federal judge, USA. UU. , ruled that the song “Happy Birthday to You”, and is not subject to copyright because Warner / Chappell has failed to demonstrate that Summy Co. has obtained such rights.

The lawsuit, filed by a group of artists in 2013, was treated and answered by the judge George H. King, who has put an end to decades of disputes on the “ copyright ” the famous theme. Now the song becomes a matter of public property, royalty-free, so it can be used in film, theater, television productions, etc. not a single penny is paid to Warner.

It should be noted that Warner / Chappell can still appeal the ruling, while “Happy Birthday” is free to the public. Here a PDF copy of the case.


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