Thursday, September 24, 2015

Likely discovery of the remains of “La Gioconda” – El Diario de Yucatán



ROME Italy (EFE) .- The Italian historian Silvano Vinceti announced today that, with a “very high” probability, has located the remains of Lisa Gherardini Florentine nobleman, who considered the model Leonardo Da Vinci in his famous portrait “La Gioconda”.

“On the basis of the convergence of all the elements that we consider that we found Lisa Gherardini,” he told Efe the expert, who chairs the National Committee for the Recovery of the Cultural Heritage of Italy.

For this listing, Vinceti is based on the location of human remains which date, according to the analysis of carbon-14, at the time when the Florentine nobleman died , but has not yet been practiced genetic analysis one.

The search took place in the chapel of the monastery complex of St. Ursula, in the center of Florence and where, according to the “Book of the Dead” the parish of San Lorenzo, was buried Monna Lisa after his death, July 15, 1542.

Although the place of burial is specified, the expert said that this eventually disappeared from the plans because architectural changes to the building has undergone over the centuries.

For that reason, the researchers had to delve into the history of the convent in order to find the grave intended for lay-people without religious order or clerical- status that were buried there.

Inside the chapel a camera or mass grave, according to carbon-14 test, was located has been dated between 1450 and 1545, a period in which lived the noble and coincides with the Franciscan building management.

The pit was closed because of an architectural change in the altar of the chapel, and almost five centuries later, it has been located and reopened to search the alleged model of the Renaissance genius.

The burial have been found the remains of three individuals and one of them, “it has proved compatible with the period of the death of Monna Lisa, “Vinceti said.

” With all this reading and stratigraphic archaeological, anthropological and historical data, I can say with caution and own understanding of science the probability of having found the remains of Monna Lisa is very high “, valued

Only they could be buried in this important religious center of Renaissance Florence women met three conditions:. financial generosity to the order , having lived a time in the convent and be a relative of the Franciscan Order

Vinceti said Gherardini’s fulfilled to perfection. her husband held significant donations to the order, he lived in the convent for cough cure a problem and one of his daughters had joined him as religious.
historian also argued that there were few people who were buried in this place, which, added to the dating of the bones found increases the possibility that the remains belong to Mona Lisa.

Asked about the possibility to submit to genetic testing, said he is considering in order to obtain information on the physical characteristics of the subject and comparing it found well with the famous portrait.

However, the expert stressed the inability to compare the remains with those of the children of Monna Lisa, ominous been preserved in the family vault, under a marble slab in the readable “Familiae Iucundi” and located behind the main altar of the Basilica of the Santissima Annunziata.

The work of this team of researchers is based on the idea that the model Portrait of Leonardo is Lisa Gherardini, wife of the wealthy merchant Francesco del Giocondo.

However, the play, now in the Louvre Museum in Paris, has many theories and mysteries about the identity of the most famous woman in history . Art

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