Friday, September 11, 2015

Justin Bieber learn to dance to the rhythm of merengue culiquitaca – Daily Mail

| United States –

The Canadian singer Justin Bieber accepted the challenge of learning to dance to the rhythm of merengue culiquitaca , after the interview he gave to the morning radio program ‘Shoboy in the Morning’ at the station 92.3 AMP Radio New York.

In the video you can watch an excited Justin Bieber trying to imitate the dance steps Driver program , who accompanied him on the challenge. In his attempt, the young singer tries to spread her legs to try to impress, however, it did not have much success.

Previously, the young singer spoke with the hosts of the program, Edgar “Shoboy” Sotelo and Nina on his career and music production

Complete Video #JustinBieber learning to dance Merengue! Full vid of Bieber learning 2 #Merengue dance on the …

Posted by Edgar “Shoboy” Sotelo on Thursday, September 10, 2015

<- end test ->

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