Venetians. It is a perfect day for Pablo Trapero. While preparing to file The clan in the official competition of the Film Festival in Venice he learned that his film about the Puccio family passed the barrier of two million viewers in its first three weeks on the bill in Argentina.
With a smile and an energy that speak for themselves, the director spoke to the NATION in Venice on his return to the Italian festival, now in Argentine cinema and the lack of formulas for successful.
“This festival changed my life, says the director, with respect to the presentation of Crane World , his debut film received the Award Week Venice Critics in 1999. I was also jury two years ago and I have a relationship with the festival, so I feel at home. At the same time causes a bit of stress to be competing for the Golden Lion. “
The stress is mitigated by the news of the success coming from Argentina, just as the director and actors, along with Argentine producers Hugo Sigman and Matthias Mosteirín, K & S, and the Spanish Agustín Almodóvar, they are inaugurating Venice an international tour that will follow within a few days at festivals in Toronto and San Sebastian.
you expecting something to happen with the movie?
-he had wanted to make this movie for a long time and had confidence in the project. It took me quite a while to do it. I am pleasantly surprised that the public is encouraged to view different movies. I feel privileged because from my first film with me and the audience were all different proposals. But what happened to The clan exceeds expectations. The movie came out and then people went to see her and began to talk about it everywhere.
Between last year and this was Argentine blockbuster movies. Do you think that the public changed following the movies or was waiting for?
-The films and the public go together. They complement what they propose films with what the public wants to see. This causes these phenomena. It also has to do with something that in Argentina is not new is the cinephile. From the Film Law and the New Argentine Cinema we come undergoing a process of rethinking how to make films, what issues and how to display them. In recent years there are many Argentine bonds. I think that is also a fundamental part, because people do not feel you will see the same movie all the time.
World -Empezaste your career with crane, one of the founding films that New Argentine Cinema, who broke up with various schemes, Do you feel that the public accompanied the growth of the filmmakers?
-such is. Every year a handful of movies you have caused this. The good news is that many films find their partner. For me the important of a film it is that excited, you feel different when you come out of the cinema.
In addition to having surpassed the two million viewers in Argentina, one of the unknowns by reveal these days festival is how the film will be received abroad, where the case is not known Puccio and especially since the film and distribution throughout Latin America, Germany, Spain, Italy, France and Australia ensured. “The heart of the film is the relationship between father and son and the family link that says Trapero. I feel probably pass out something similar to what happened in Argentina, which is that the film became autonomous case. Another thing that we ask producers is what will happen with the question of historical context, beyond the actual case. Someone told me that this context can be transferred to something more contemporary and universal. This sense of impunity, which is in the news everywhere, of disregard for certain topics and double standards. “
-of your own experience with your movies you know that when you talk about something very special will be better for all world.
learned’m with my first film and I did not stop to live with the rest. All my films speak of realities, of microcosms. Even for Argentina. Imagine what it was talking about a guy looking for work in cranes in the south! The Buenos Aires when I was not a subject that talk too much either. Even with Born and raised. Outside
money-Hollywood makes sales abroad. Frankenstein produce those films in which parts are sewn for who likes everyone and often, the opposite happens. Instead, the titles about something specific received better. Do you think that has to do with the genuine from the director?
-Vos you have to be sure the story you want to count years because they are working in a movie. There are many people involved, many resources, so much energy. It is very difficult to carry out the project of a movie if you do not have the conviction is needed. There are situations that put you to the test all the time. It is clear that there is no formula that will guarantee the result. The most exciting thing about making films is that every time you make a new you do not know what will happen. The power of stories is prior to all kinds of formulas. Otherwise, there would be no failures
You were at the festival as jury, that experience changed your perception about how movies are rewarded
.? – Yes, it makes you much more relativize something that is obvious, which is that juries are subjective and cinema is not a sports competition where stung if the beanbag outside is bad or if a goal is entered. The awards are well received and are spectacular compared to what help a film, but having them or not having them does not change my relationship with the film and what I think of it.
The film He received positive readings international media
El País
“The applause of Venice reinforce career of the clan, which has already become the best premiere of a film Argentina in their own country. Music to the ears also of the Almodóvar brothers and their company Desire, which co-produced the film. A formula that seems golden, as were also behind Wild Tales, Argentine blockbuster last year that came to claim the Oscar for Best Foreign Language film. “
Hollywood Reporter
United States
“No one at odds in the cast, but Francella, his eyebrows dyed gray, and Lanzani, with black sideburns the size of a dead mouse, are clearly the best.”
“This strong degree of competition linked historical events in his story and have the chance to be the film Argentina for the Oscar thanks to having the Almodóvar brothers as producers. “.
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