Thursday, September 10, 2015

MoMA exhibits sculptures by Picasso – Televisa News

NEW YORK, USA, 9 Sep.. 2015.- The Museum of Modern Art in New York is devoting an entire floor to the sculptures of Pablo Picasso in the first major exhibition of his three-dimensional work that is done in almost 50 years in the United States.

” Picasso Sculpture “includes more than 140 sculptures on loan from private and public collections. Highlights the scope, range and variety of parts, including his famous bronze “She-Goat” from 1950 and “Guitar” of sheet metal museum’s own collection.

The MoMA is the only US museum to house the sample. It will be open from 14 September until February 7.

The co-curator Ann Temkin says the Spanish artist introduced new ideas in terms of technique and materials never before seen in sculpture.

The exhibition includes works from 1902 to 1964. Picasso died in 1973


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