Saturday, September 5, 2015

Kristen Stewart does not convince in Venice – El Universal (Venezuela)

Venice .- Kristen Stewart did not convince at the Venice Film Festival with “Equals” Drake Doremus film that takes place in a sterile future in which the characters have emotions but blending “Romeo and Juliet” with “Gattaca” to launch a simplistic in favor of love allegation.

Stewart and Nicholas Hoult star in a film that was met with divided opinions in Venice, where he participates in competition and which generated less interest than expected.

On one side was the media pull Stewart and another jump Doremus, a representative of the film “indie” more complex productions, but the result is far the raised expectations.

A great love story, for Stewart, who said at a press conference that “love, passion or curiosity are what enable the world to move and society evolve.”

“When I read the script I was impressed by how wonderful it is written,” said his Hoult party, who said it is the first time that Doremus working with a script, but left plenty of room for improvisation .

“I loved the idea of ​​a story without emotions in such a technological world,” said Doremus on film, showing an unknown future in which humans live and feel nothing calm and safe a life in which everything is set, marking and graph.

The point of contention comes from the “on” syndrome, those who have returned to feel emotions.

” There is a dystopia rather than a utopia Blade Runner “but rejected the idea raised by a journalist who was a reinterpretation of a great drama of Shakespeare” Doremon, who said he had been influenced by said “.

For the protagonists of the film are the stars of an impossible love between two human beings “on” in an all-white world in which the difference has no place and where the survival of the species is ensured by artificial insemination for women.

A film shot in Japan, which offered “cleanliness, harmony and order” necessary to enter more easily into the world of “Equals” according to the director, who also facilitated the actors a lot of songs to listen to and then reproduced them during filming.

The music made them more easily react to situations posed by the film, as well as numerous lectures and kind of trials, were the principal actors.

“When Nicholas and I were literally a saying ‘good morning’ in every possible way, and that allowed all emotions take time,” Stewart said.

The actress recognized initially be “intimidated” by such an ambitious project, but then on the set the director “had everything very clear” and gave “very specific guidelines” and then give them a lot of freedom, which allowed a shoot very relaxed, explained Efe.

But not avoid that Stewart had many difficulties when composing a character who has emotions but hides in a world where you have them is to be a death row patient.

“At the beginning we were all talking as if we were robots, but Drake made us see that we were in a world with an easy, safe and carefree life.” The only drawback is that they had no feelings.

“I was the only character who was ‘on’ all the time and it was very difficult to control the reactions and expressions (…) It was not complicated and painful to show anything, “said Stewart.

A project in which the actress has been very involved, but not more than in previous films, like the saga” Twilight “(” Twilight “) or” Snow White and the Huntsman “(” Snow White and the Huntsman “.

” I’ve always been just as involved in all the projects I’ve worked. I could never do it golden way. It would be terrible, what fatal and I would be fired. “


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