Friday, September 11, 2015

Die Alberto Schommer, psychologist photography – The Costa Rica Nation

Madrid. EFE Alberto Schommer, known as the psychologist photography, died Thursday San Sebastian (north) at 87 years for a cancerous disease.

Schommer left a work that is a reflection of the past half century in the history of Spain, with emblematic collections as Psychological Pictures, Discoveries, Masks or Attitudes.

The Prado Museum exhibited in 2104 Masks , where photographs taken by Schommer to contemporary Spanish intellectuals like Francisco Ayala, Rafael Alberti, Jose Hierro, Camilo Jose Cela and Vicente Aleixandre were displayed.

National Photography Prize in 2013, was formed in Germany and Paris and has always been linked to the most innovative art of the 60s and 70s trends.

Regular contributor newspaper El País and ABC , García Alberto Schommer Koch was born on August 9, 1928 in Vitoria (north), son German, also a photographer father, seated in Vitoria.

In 1967 he was selected to represent Spain in the international exhibition Expo Montreal. Also part of experimental groups of image, such as Happenings Forums. In January 1973 he began publishing its series of “psychological” photographs in the Sunday newspaper ABC , and in 1974 made two important exhibitions, The Fresh violence and fermented Earth, and in 1979 was chosen best photographer of the year.

In his portraits play a role important the set, costumes, makeup and objects, as Schommer said that photography is a true testament of time.

Among the awards for his work include the Medal of Merit Fine Arts (2008) and the National Photography Prize, which won the November 8, 2013 and gave King Philip VI on February 16, 2015.


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