Featured exhibitions devoted to Delacroix and Caravaggio contained in the 2016 program of the National Gallery in London under the new leadership of Gabriele Finaldi, after his recent departure from the Prado Museum in Madrid.
Finaldi today in London presented the annual program of the most important art gallery in the UK, which last month he joined after working 13 years in the Prado as deputy director, an experience he called ” absolutely joyful. ”
During his years in Madrid’s museum there was a “process of great change, with the expansion and modernization, with the creation of a study center and, frankly, this was an absolutely unique experience” Finaldi told Efe.
The new director, specializes in Spanish painter Jusepe de Ribera, he said he hopes to bring to London, “the energy in the Prado Museum” and would like that experienced in London.
In announcing the Finaldi, Anglo-Italian origin program also admitted he is very committed to the London gallery continue to have free admission, referring to government cuts that may affect its operation.
The director noted that the National Gallery is a “great” place to host unique paintings of great masters, is “open to all” and “source of inspiration for artists, is a source of research and education. ”
In addition to the major exhibitions of Delacroix and Caravaggio, the National Gallery is preparing a show called “paintings of painters”, works that were in possession of recognized masters such as Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Degas and Corot, and also an exhibition dedicated to the altarpiece Renaissance artist Francesco Botticini.
“Delacroix and the emergence of modern art” can be seen from February 17 to May 22 next year, and will be the first time in over 50 years that works of this French painter of the nineteenth century They are shown together in a museum in the UK.
The gallery wants to show the complexity, contradictions and rebelliousness of this outstanding creator, who had a profound influence on other artists of his time and in subsequent generations.
In particular, the museum aims to show its influence on Chassériau, Courbet, Gericault, and Manet, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Renoir, Matisse and Kandinsky.
The exhibition “The paintings of painters. From Van Dyck to Freud”, open to the public on June 22 and will be until September 4, and displays works of great masters -of Collection gallery-but in a moment they were owned by other painters.
In this show there will be about sixty works and will be divided into several sections, each dedicated to a particular artist: Degas, Lawrence, Reynolds, Matisse, Van Dyck and Freud.
The exhibition “Caravaggio Beyond,” from October 12, 2016 to January 15, 2017, will be the first dedicated to exploring the influence of the Italian painter of the XVI century in the art of his contemporaries for being considered “one of the most revolutionary art figures” according to the National Gallery.
This exhibition, which will be hung fifty works will be traveling after it will travel to the National Gallery in Dublin and the Royal Scottish Academy of Edinburgh in 2017.
Most paintings come from other museums, private collections in the UK and country mansions, usually owned by British lords.
In the case of the altarpiece of Botticini, it can be seen on 4 November this year until February 14, 2016, and the goal is to show the work of this artist in the context of humanism religious influence on the art of the Florentine Renaissance.
Among other things, Finaldi recalled today the two Goya paintings of the National Heritage of Spain has agreed to cede to the National Gallery for the highly anticipated exhibition dedicated to Spanish painter and engraver that will open next week .
It’s “Carlos IV in hunting attire” and “Maria Luisa with Mantilla”, both painted in 1799, which will hang in the exhibition “Goya. The portraits,” which opens to the public on 7 October.