Monday, December 8, 2014

Modiano read his acceptance speech – Blasting News

Patrick Modiano, French novelist recently awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature 2014, picked up this Sunday the award and read, as is tradition in the pre-ceremony delivery, acceptance speech to academics, guests and the other winners. All collected his award at another ceremony to be held on Friday and attended by the King of Sweden. Modiano is the fifteenth French writer at the Swedish academy awards, making France the country with more Nobel Prizes in literature, by far on the following, the US and the UK.

In his speech, Modiano referred to what were his great obsessions, the themes of both his life and his work: the Nazi occupation during World War II, especially in Paris, and the importance and weight of history in the present. Modiano said the writer should be the witness of his time, but in a way that their presence fades, standing quietly in the background while it is the facts presented. “A novelist is indelibly marked by your birth date and your time, even if you have not participated directly in political action, even if it seems to be a loner, entrenched in what they call his ivory tower, “he said

Patrick Modiano used to express novellas, gender which is able to capture accurately the outlines of his style: neatness, economy resources and use absolutely precise words and fleeing the ornate and pompous to take refuge in an apparent simplicity.

In his speech said long for the time when writers lived nineteenth century, which passed with a slower, necessary for concentration on writing. He, as writer of the twentieth century, is still riding the new ways that digital society brings but said he was sure that, again, would a generation of young writers to take their place in history, and has been going on without interruption from the time of Homer.


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