Friday, December 26, 2014

¿”The Interview” will change to Hollywood? – El Nuevo Herald

“The Interview” was not created with the intention of changing paradigms.

But “unusual” even serves to begin to describe the series of events recorded in recent weeks, culminating in the decision unused by a big studio release a tape both theatrically and on digital platforms at the same time.

Sony navigating unfamiliar with the film, which grossed 1.04 million dollars in box office waters 331 meeting on Thursday, according to studio estimates, in addition to income not reported by shopping via the Internet.

“Given the incredibly challenging circumstances, we are extremely grateful to the people around the country who came to experience ‘The Interview’ the first day of his unconventional premiere “he said in a statement Rory Bruer, president of worldwide distribution for Sony Pictures.

For a film that had simply gone unnoticed in the usual 3,000 rooms without much fanfare, the comedy of $ 40 million was accidentally turned into a case study in the world of multiplatform releases.

The entertainment industry notes carefully to see in the next days where the audience prefers to put their money. The big question is whether this can be a viable strategy for future major releases.

Although an average of $ 3,142 for room and sold out when the audience had the option of watching the film from the comfort of their homes are not negligible, analysts agree that it is unlikely to be the beginning of a significant change in the way Hollywood does business.

The premieres on multiple platforms are not new. Independent distributors have adopted this strategy for years. But these are generally modest movies with even more modest budgets can not afford traditional advertising campaign and comprehensive.

For large studies, it has never really been an option.

The cinema chains depend on exclusive content to survive. If the audience gets the option to rent everything from a medium-budget comedy to a blockbuster $ 200 million on opening day, the rooms certainly would film the bad.

“The last thing large chain cinemas want is for the major studios use this kind of strategy on a regular basis, “said Gitesh Pandya, editor of

A few months ago, Warner Bros. experimented with the premiere platform of “Veronica Mars”. Theater chains Regal and Cinemark refused to screen it due to the availability of internet. The film premiered in 270 rooms, most of AMC.

“The relationship between the major studios and exhibitors is so great that things are not going to start changing soon. Maybe with time .. . slowly. But the typical model put your big debut in 3,000 theaters in the country remain intact for now, “Pandya said.

Paul Dergarabedian, analyst count locker service Rentrak, agrees.

“The theaters are the engine that drives everything else. I do not think this is suddenly a door for the studios want to release their films in this way,” he said.

Also, “The Interview” is an imperfect case. Patriotism, freedom of expression, curiosity and even the desire to be part of the national debate are factors that influenced the cinema audience acudiera at Christmas to see the tape.

“People went to Film and turned it into an event, “Dergarabedian said. “They’ll be talking about this for a long time. It is an unusual and very interesting phenomenon often be reserved for films like ‘The Hobbit’ or ‘The Wars”.

” People who otherwise have never seen a film of Seth Rogen decided to go to find out what all the fuss, “said Pandya.

The long-term prognosis for” The Interview “at the box office remains a mystery. Pandya think your income will more particularly in the early days, and that is attributable at least in part to the quality of the tape.

“The film is mediocre” he said. “If you were a brilliant film, the word would get and that would sustain every week,” he said. By the time you finish the holiday period will have a sharp drop predicted.

“The Interview” perhaps into the history books, but is unlikely to change the way the public sees the new movies. For larger tapes, movie screens are always first Dergarabedian he said.

“It’s a system that works, and the audience liked” he said.


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