Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Daniel Fernández, new president of the Federation of Unions … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; International | Posted on Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Daniel Fernández, new president of the <- - AUGURE_TITULO_INICIO!> Federation of Publishers Guilds of Spain

The Information .com / MADRID, 17 (EUROPA PRESS)

Daniel Fernandez was unanimously elected new president of the Federation of Publishers Guilds of Spain (FGEE) during the meeting of the General Assembly of the Federation held in Madrid, Xavier replacing Mallafré. It has also renewed the Board of the Federation of Publishers Guilds of Spain for the next three years, as indicated in a statement Wednesday.

The new president will begin his term next January 1 and its objectives will be used to get the Spanish publishing sector remains as the main Spanish cultural industry and one of the largest in the world. Among them, the equalization of VAT from paper to digital book, the renewal of the budgetary allocations for the library system

public and the sector adapt to new digital times.

“It is also my intention to ask the different levels of the State administration Comprehensive Development Plan Book and reading that respects and reclaims the largest Spanish culture industry, which is a leader in Latin America”, explained the new president.

Fernandez added that “this mandate will focus, among other efforts, the stubborn defense of Intellectual Property in a time that also need to empirically test the effectiveness of reform Intellectual Property Law will come into effect next January. “

It also stressed” the promotion of reading and respect for the book as a basic element of knowledge, culture and leisure, including its inexcusable link with education and social progress. ” In this sense, indicates that “the defense of the textbook and the need to recover the classroom and school libraries will also be basic areas of our work.”

Daniel Fernández (Barcelona, ​​1961) is president of Edhasa and Castalia. Until his appointment he has held assignments president of the Guild of Editors of Catalonia and President of the Chamber of Llibre de Catalunya.

The new president of the FGEE has a degree in Hispanic Studies from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a diploma in Business Administration from ESADE Cultural and Graduate School of Public Administration, University of NY.

It was the Editor ‘Saber’ and Catalan magazine L’Avenç ‘as well as director General de Ediciones Grijalbo and Literary Director Grijalbo-Mondadori Group. Represents the Spanish publishing sector in the International Publishers Association (IPA) and has served on the Board of the Federation since January 2007.


Information The Information .com


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