Saturday, December 27, 2014

North Korea called “mono” Barack Obama – Terra Peru


December 27, 2014 • 11:00

<-! - // // Updated 06/13/2014 at> <- // NAO & Eacute; BBC - INI // -> <- // Author Home // -> <- Author fim // // -> <- // NAO & Eacute!!!; BBC - FIM // ->

The National Defense Commission of North Korea accused Obama of being behind Display the controversial film “The Interview”.

Photo: Getty Images

North Korea condemned the United States for the presentation of the film “The Interview” , about a fictional conspiracy to kill their leader Kim Jong-un. The National Defense Commission (NDC) North Korea also EE accused. UU. to terminate their internet service and used a racial slur to describe the “reckless” Obama.

Called President “monkey in a tropical jungle” and accused him of being behind the exhibition of “The Interview”.

The film, produced by Sony Pictures and starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, was to be withdrawn after the company suffered a cyber attack and received threats.

But then reconsidered its decision and released the film on December 24.

Several critics, including President Obama, warned that the liberty of expression was threatened if the presentation was canceled.

And the film was released in some theaters in the US and is available in internet. But the biggest cinema chains decided not to show it.

“Good action”

The film was released in some US theaters and is available online..

Photo: AP

In a statement issued on Saturday, a spokesman denounced CDN United States to present “dishonest and reactionary film that offends the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK (North Korea) and stirred terrorism.”

The statement added that President Obama “is the main culprit of forcing Sony Pictures Entertainment to indiscriminately distribute the film” , blackmailing theaters in the US

Y said.: “Obama is always reckless in word and deed as a monkey in a tropical jungle”.

The CRC also accused Washington of “baseless linking the DPRK for the unheard of hack Sony Pictures Entertainment “.

Last week, the FBI said its analysis pointed to the head of Sony was hacked to North Korea.

However, many experts have disputed that claim.

North Korea, meanwhile, refused to carry out the cyberattack, but described it as” a good thing ” .

The country subsequently suffered a severe disruption of internet


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