Tuesday, December 23, 2014

SPAIN: Masterchef together his top 12 contestants … – EntornoInteligente

Home & gt; policy | Posted on Monday, December 22, 2014
SPAIN: Masterchef gathers his 12 <- - AUGURE_TITULO_INICIO!> best contestants for Christmas

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La Razon / The magic of Christmas comes to ‘MasterChef’. Eva Gonzalez and jury of Pepe Rodríguez Rey, Samantha Vallejo-Nágera and Jordi Cruz, have organized an exciting evening to share with twelve applicants ‘MasterChef’ and ‘Junior MasterChef’ and that will how great chefs invited to our country. Mario, Ana Luna, Aimar, Esther, Juanma, Eva Fabian, Maribel, Vicky, Matthew, Christopher and Churra return to compete individually and in pairs, in three solidarity challenges. The best chefs 6,000 euros, which go to those most in need will be shared.

To get started with this menu, each contestant will prepare a worthy entrant a Christmas feast. The chef Carles Abellan, Bravo Restaurant W Hotel in Barcelona, ​​give the keys to surprise the jury. Adults and children will face a challenge in which the jury particularly valued the taste and creativity.

In this special night, can not neglect any detail in the table. To do this, applicants will work in pairs in the living room and the kitchen. Samantha Vallejo-Nágera teach four aspiring wearing a Christmas table. The rest will take care of dinner.

From L’rundown, in the Alicante town of Cocentaina, becoming the chef Kiko Moya (one Michelin star) to propose that combine tradition with cutting edge creations.

The highlight of the evening will bring Toño Pérez, Caceres Atrio restaurant (two Michelin stars) chef who designed the menu Year’s Eve Hotel Palace of Madrid. Applicants will have 90 minutes to play two dishes that bring the chef. Jury and candidates will sit at the table to celebrate in style this great party

Information La Razon .


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