Wednesday, December 24, 2014

What did your child to Santa Claus? – Univision

‘} var params = {categoryID:’ univisioncomments ‘StreamID:’ video555346 ‘streamTitle:’ That you asked your child to Santa Claus ‘ContainerId’? commentsDiv ‘useSiteLogin: true, onSiteLoginClicked: uim.commenting.commentingLogin, cid:’ video555346 ‘templates: templates}; if (typeof Gigya = ‘undefined’) { (params, conf); loadGigya (false); } Else {var gigyaTryLimit = 10; gigyaTryInterval var = setInterval (function () {if (typeof Gigya = ‘undefined’) { (params, conf);! loadGigya (false); clearInterval (gigyaTryInterval);} else if (gigyaTryLi mit)! {clearInterval (gigyaTryInterval);} gigyaTryLimit–;}, 500); (Function ($ , win) {var avatar_url = “”; var is_onesite = function (idx, img) {var src = $ ( img) .attr (“src”); return (src.indexOf (“MyPage”) == -1 || src.indexOf (“OneSite”) == -1)!}, normalize = function ($ img ) {$ img.filter (is_onesite) .attr (“src”, avatar_url);}, comments_listener = function () {var $ img = $ (“.gig-comments-container img”); if ($ img.length & gt; 0) {normalize ($ img); win.clearInterval (itv);}}, itv = win.setInterval (comments_listener, 9);}) (jQuery, window); }
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