Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Sony Online puts his controversial parody of North Korean leader Kim … – Terra Peru


December 24, 2014 • 17:33

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Sony stepped forward one day to the official release of his controversial film “The Interview” about North Korean leader Kim Jong -a, putting on Wednesday made available to the American public in various digital platforms, a decision held by President Barack Obama.

From 1800 GMT, the film is available on YouTube, Google Play, Xbox Microsoft and the site of Users can rent it for $ 5.99 or buy it for 14.99.

On Christmas Day, more than 200 cinemas across the country also screened the film, after Hollywood studios give up reversed its decision to cancel the premiere by the threats of hackers.

Hundreds of cinephiles and curious already purchased your ticket to be the first to see the controversial “The Interview” which is about a fictitious operation CIA to kill Kim, drawing two journalists manage permission to travel to the hermetic country and interview.

Tickets are almost sold out in many rooms, including 17 of the Texas chain Alamo Drafthouse, reported the trade magazine Variety.

The company president, Michael Lynton, said in a statement that “Sony had always intended to have a national platform to broadcast the film (…) never stop looking for the widest possible to ‘The Interview’ ‘.

Obama welcomed the news saying that “people will be able to decide whether to watch the movie or not,” the deputy White House spokesman Eric Schultz.

“As the president said last Friday, we do not live in a country where a dictator can impose censorship,” the official said.

One of the costars, director and screenwriter tape, Seth Rogen, held that his film has finally seen the light, but he advised on social networks that “a comedy is best enjoyed in a theater full of people.”

“If they can, I look like. If not, call some friends to go home,” he wrote.

His co-star, James Franco, also welcomed the news with a very patriotic message on his Instagram account. “Merry Christmas, America! ‘The Interview’ live !!!!!!”.

Google said on its side that decided “to support Sony” because “freedom of expression is a fundamental principle protected by law, “said Brad Smith, general counsel and vice president, legal and corporate software giant.

Sony began to forge an agreement with Google, Microsoft and other platforms on December 17, the same day decided to completely remove the tape from the distribution channels at the refusal of the major US theaters to project.

“We chose the way of spreading (the tape) in first digital format to reach as many people possible, “added the manager.

Lynton noted that the studies are still seeking” partners and platforms to further expand the dissemination of film. “

The popular Netflix platform could offer it soon according to Variety.

The premiere of “The Interview” is for Sony a victory for freedom of expression and filmmakers.

“I am proud that our struggle is no been in vain and that cybercriminals have not been able to silence us, “said company president.

The US government believes that Pyongyang is behind the threats and cyber attack that Sony suffered Nov. 24 and who leaked hundreds of internal documents and confidential data from 47,000 employees.

North Korea suffered cuts on his internet earlier this week, which have sparked speculation about a possible US counterattack. Obama promised a “proportionate response” to attack Sony.

The precise causes of failure in North Korea, which in itself internet access is very limited, have not yet been confirmed, but Experts said that the type of problem is similar to that caused by an attack of “denial of service”.

Pyongyang has always denied involvement in the cyberattack, although he described as “legitimate act” because the tape is an “act of terror nonsense”


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