Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Come to light the first official pictures of the twins … – The Trade


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December 23, 2014 15:45

The Monaco Palace released the first official pictures Prince Jacques and her twin sister, the Princess Gabriella , sons of Albert and Charlene of Monaco.

In shared by the Palacio photographs through its Facebook page , the TODDLERS- born on 10 December 2014 appear with his parents and some of them a Christmas tree beautifully decorated background is observed.

release Casa de Monaco , which accompanies the images, it is mentioned that the session official photos of the Crown Prince and sister conducted in the maternity Princess Grace Hospital.

Two days after the birth of babies Palace announced that presentation of the children of Alberto II and Charlene of Monaco will take place on January 7, 2015.

It is also reported that the event follow the model of the National Day that occurs every November 19th. On this occasion thousands gather in Monaco Palace Square to pay tribute to the Grimaldi family, to go to the building’s balcony to greet the citizens.


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