Thursday, December 18, 2014

Museo del Prado presents unpublished work of landscape Pérez Villamil –

MADRID, Espaà ± a (Agencies) The Prado Museum presents for the first time since its acquisition in 2011, a work unreleased © dita and única in its gà © nero most prominent and influential landscape of romanticism espaà ± ol, Genaro Pà © rez Villaamil.

This is the DÃptico with 42jM monumental cityscapes espaà ± waves, including a framework capped warheads, according to a taste very britá nico related to the Gothic revival.

The work was performed for the Englishman © s ambassador to Espaà ± a, George Villiers, then Lord Clarendon, to 1835 to 1839.

The dÃptico shown in the exhibition ‘Monumental views of cities espaà ± waves. The romantic painter Genaro Pà © rez Villaamil ‘which estará open to the public from this mià © Wednesday until 6 September next year ± o.

After comprehensive restoration, with the support of the Foundation Iberdrola, this DÃptico set forth in 60 room building Villanueva, along with other paintings, watercolors and drawings PÃ © rez Villaamil own.

They’re also present the volumes with lithographs of The Espaà ± a Artistic and Monumental, large publishing project that à © l same dirigió; and two paintings of his teacher, David Roberts, to complete the aproximación to a decisive comprehension of romanticism in Espaà ± a artist.

The Museo del Prado it acquired in 2011, in London, this set unreleased © Credit and unique in the gà © nero 42 landscape views monumental cities espaà ± waves, mainly in Seville and Toledo, by Pà © rez Villaamil (El Ferrol, 1807-Madrid, 1854).

The book includes 42 views brackets painted on tin organized by the artist leaves a dÃptico Sima © metric finished in sober pointed archivolts on columns.

On the Conception and character, is a set unique in its gà © nero in Romanticism espaà ± ol.

The views are outstanding testimonies of the work of Galician painter natural in the óleo tà © technique, usually used alone in his study.

They show the artist’s skill in the representation of indoor and outdoor architectonic some of which, already in ruins, desaparecerÃan after © s.

Also © n, skill in working directly the óleo with the brush on the tin, with a very dilute superposición layers of paint and a finishing touch with pigments that enhance the effects of light on the rich ornamentation Muda © flanks and góticas, styles that dominate the view.

They provide a test of its extensive post-representation of monuments, which llevó to take Artistic direction of Artistic and Espaà ± a monumental (1842-1850) dedication.

trató an editorial project whose lithographs proporcionó closely related drawings and watercolors in his framing some of these works, according reveal examples of books in the exhibition.


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