Friday, December 26, 2014

North Korea blames US for problems with internet – El Nuevo Herald

North Korea launched racial slurs against President Barack Obama while blamed the United States to interfere with their access to internet, some of the consequences of cyber attack against Sony.

The National Defense Commission North Korea said Saturday that Obama pulled the strings for the release of the movie “The Interview” from Sony Pictures, describing it as a “monkey that lives in a tropical forest.”

Korea North has denied involvement in the cyberattack against Sony Pictures, but has expressed outrage at the comedy in which the murder of their leader Kim Jong Un is described. Although Sony initially suspended the release of the film, a move criticized by Obama, “The Interview” was presented to the public this week.

The defense committee also accuses Washington of being responsible for intermittent drop Web portals North Korea this week.

The commission said the United States will face the consequences of their hostility.


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