Monday, December 22, 2014

The leaked emails reveal that Sony want to Idris Elba as … – The Howling


Posted by the 12/21/2014 | 0 Comments

 Idris Elba James Bond

Not a day hacking suffered by Sony does not produce a story or interesting rumor after the amount of mails from the company that have been leaked. Today is the turn of James Bond as Sony Pictures are thinking a substitute for Daniel Craig once his contract as 007 complete.

It has long carried rumored that Idris Elba could be the ideal replacement and become the first black actor to take on this role for which they have been people like Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan.

According to a mail written last January 4 by Amy Pascal, jefaza Sony Pictures Elizabeth Cantillon (vice president of Columbia Pictures), stated that “Idris Elba should be the next James Bond.”

Currently Craig has to Brand Spectre in November 2015 and also contract is forced to play Bond once again. Once finished as 007 may be the time to Elba. What do you think? I really love the idea

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 James Bond



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