SANTIAGO. On the slopes of the Atacama Desert in Chile, it is one of the great mysteries of mankind. Gigantic figures carved on the floor represent abstract human silhouettes and disturbing ways.
indecipherable aliens and epic travel Phoenicians codes are some of the many assumptions that have been made around more than 500 figures of northern Chile, some myths that can be taken down by the Chilean archaeologist Gonzalo Pimentel , who has been studying these disturbing formations.
Far from the Martian explanations, the origin of those “great achievements” is “much more related to the nature of man than many others want to believe, “said the expert in pre-Columbian Andean geoglyphs and mobility.
This is, according to Pimentel,” a type of rock art linked to the ancient caravan routes that Travellers imprint left as it passes and identity “.
The figures, taken mainly in the first millennium AD, measuring between 10 and 300 meters and are found in five hundred points between the cities of Antofogasta and Arica, in the Atacama desert.
The creations were obtained “drawing on the ground, either by removing the dark surface rocks to expose the lighter or piling sand in order generates a Contrast that to distinguish the figure of background, “said the expert.
They are the testimony of the odyssey that man should live in these arid landscapes and the behavior of specialized groups of Andean societies, linked regional and international traffic.
Beyond the identity imprints, “Figures may also respond to trademark systems or alluding to routes and journeys signposts” because its location is always far from any old town.
Nothing to do because with the Martian creations or Phoenician civilization-who according to some reports would have left the Middle East to settle in the Atacama desert for over 3,000 years, the source geoglyphs would be related to the same motivation that pushes “the youth of today to make graffiti on the walls”
“Figures. – said the expert are the grace of the Andean World Columbian, local ancestors who in their quest to tame the wilderness, to provide it with content and culture, we painted the hillsides with huge figures as if to compete with the endless desert. “
scaled Diamonds, Andean cross and human figures dressed in robes and tools represented worldview, worldview, cosmogony and collective imaginary of several thousand years and dozens of generations of Andean.
“It was done by the Andean world for Andean world “remarked Pimentel who stressed the great importance of these figures to the knowledge of the Hispanic cultures. Well, according to the expert, through the drawings is “represents the social and cultural diversity of human groups like the Atacama, tarapaqueños, Aymara and some Quechua groups.”
However, the archaeologist rule out other geometric figures found in the high plains of Lasana 40 kilometers northeast of the city of Calama, really were geoglyphs.
Pimentel, who specifically studied these figures in 2008 for National Geographic, determined that “Most of them were made in the mid-twentieth century, when removing aggregates craft mienras mining roads and pipelines were built.”
“In formal terms he pointed out you could say that are made with the same technique as the geoglyphs but really, here is not intended to convey anything. “
In the area of Lasana abound therefore, the figures resulting from the production activity, however, according to the expert itself found other figures of large dimensions that can be associated with the geoglyphs.
The most paradigmatic case is a complex abstract figure orthogonal layout, 300 meters long by eighty wide, constructed between AD 900 and 1550 AD, which is observable completely from the air.
These studies demolished countless myths surrounding the enigmatic lines that seem to vanish on the horizon, yet there is a mystery will always remain in the air .
When they were created, the man had not yet been able to take off, so, For whom were plotted drawings? Under immense desert sand keys this archaic world remain locked as imprints of a civilization yet to reveal.
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