Saturday, December 27, 2014

Moroccan police removed poster of “Exodus” film exhibiting the film – El Universal (Venezuela)


Saturday December 27, 2014 11:17 a.m.

Rabat, Dec 27 (EFE) .- The Moroccan police removed the sign of biblical film” Exodus: Gods and Kings “of a movie theater in the southern city of Marrakech, the only country exhibiting the film after being forbidden.

According to Monday’s electronic journal “”, several agents of the Ministry of Interior were presented yesterday at the Colisee cinema, stairs and put away the posters of “Exodus” after the Moroccan Cinematographic Centre (CCM) has informed the heads of the room the official ban on its projection to incarnate God.

The manager of the Colisee room, Munia Layadi Benkiran, told the newspaper that the room had already decided to suspend broadcast yesterday before its screening in the evening session after receiving a phone call from CCM followed by a letter of the same organism which officially prohibited the screening of “Exodus” in Moroccan territory.

Colisée was the only room that kept the projection of this biblical blockbuster about Moses and his flight from Egypt, directed by Ridley Scott and starring Christian Bale, as several meeting last Wednesday withdrew after the CCM verbally communicate their decision makers prohibit its projection.

Yesterday, the Colisee room officially received a letter from CCM, which was also reflected in the Facebook pages of other cinemas, explaining that “Exodus” was banned because “plays God in the image of a baby during the revelation received by the Prophet Moses, “adding that” iconic representation of God is not allowed in the divine religions “.

Layadi explained that in a sequence of” Exodus “Moses appears arguing with a child dressed in white transmitting words of God, which was interpreted by the CCM as an incarnation of the divine being because when Moses asks the child about his identity, he replied” I am … ” without finishing his sentence.

The manager of the theater, film distributor also be asked whether the authorities will act in the same manner to prohibit the sale of pirated “Exodus” in different neighborhoods of country, adding that the cinema expecting the arrival of this film to earn more income. EFE


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